Monday, December 14, 2009

Love the snow! But.....

I did not put a picture of my girls learning how to change their first flat tire. You see, Hannah slid into a curb pretty hard last week and "popped" her front tire. Our first "incident" on the slick road this year. Not bad considering this is Hannah and Haileys first winter driving experiance. Then on Saturday, Hailey needed to go to a dance party and she got down the street and started sliding pretty bad. She pulled over, started crying, and then called me to come and get her. Better safe than sorry. I felt pretty bad for her. Brian...not so much. He laughed! I can't wait for Payton to start driving......hmmm I wonder how that will be...he he he he.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I love December

Outside our front door this morning. So peaceful.
Our pool is covered...I am a bit worried that a squirrel might try and scurry across and we may have a little body to un-ice. YUCKY

Our favorite family ornament
Of course...Brians fav.

A little blurry but we have lights!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I think that I have been in a deep sleep for the last 6 months. Summer....crazy. Buying a house....crazier. Moving....well...lets say looney bin for me. Now that I am out of the fog for the time being...I am not sure what happened to Halloween and Thanksgiving. I have a few pictures to prove that I lived through them but wow....I can't remember much. So that is my attempt at an excuse as to why I haven't been on my blog. This is catch up....enjoy my last 6 months of pictures!!! Whew!!